Food centered world

I tend to plan ahead, you might know this about me. That being said, I was thinking about the Hot Chocolate 5k in November. It’s in Columbus, and this year we might have a good size group going. I figured we could stick to much the same plan as last year, starting with parking at the North Market and walking across the street to the convention to pick up our packets, then a quick trip through the market before heading out for the evening. My first thoughts when I considered the market was that awesome popcorn place. But wait, you’re trying to lose weight! I know, and I forgot about that, thinking about a closer trip back home in June for my birthday. Of course my immediate thoughts were about going to HoundDogs (best pizza ever) with my old bestie and Melting Pot with Chris. What’s with all the food? I know, right?!

I’ve come to the disturbing conclusion that most of the places I enjoy going are connected to food in some way. Think about it… let’s take a trip to the mall, that means pretzels and cookies. Going to the movie? Don’t forget the popcorn and soda the size of a small pool. Date night = dinner out, of course. For me, going up to visit family means Donatos and Coldstone Creamery. It goes on and on and on. It’s all about food. THIS HAS TO STOP. Food is my super weakness. Even now my tummy is saying “eat Oreos!”. Stop it tummy! What to do, what to do.

Time to find a new thing to replace this demon at the center of every place and event, regardless of how tasty it is. My first instinct is pictures. That’s an easy one. Focus more on taking pictures. Also I’ve started collecting tins and have always had a soft spot for coffee mugs. Owls and cats are always fantastic. It’s going to be tough, and every situation will be different. The best thing I think is to focus more on the place and the experience rather than the temporary joy of something tasty. Or avoid it all together if there’s nothing else interesting besides the food. There’s a reason Jesus was tempted with bread. Don’t let the devil get the best of you. It’s just not worth it.

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